Our first little foster baby has arrived!!! A 7 week old precious baby girl! She is so sweet, and completely adorable.
We were getting all ready to head on up to our annual church campout when we got the call. This is the 3rd time this has happened. The calls never come when I am home with everything in order, and everything cleaned and dusted-no! They call when we are in the middle of a big mess, packing, the house is torn apart, and we are almost out the door. So, this time, we gave in, and picked her up, and have joyfully embraced this sweet little bundle. We will take care of her for as long as she needs us, and pray for her daily. Whether short term or long term, what a journey it will be! Stay tuned for more updates!
I just got your email and burst into tears. I'm so happy for you, so happy!!!
Can't wait to hear more!!
That's wonderful, Michelle!! Enjoy that sweet baby!!
Congratulations Michelle! Enjoy every moment, rest in God's provision and take it easy when you can.
Take care sweet girl,
How wonderful! Fostering has been on my heart for a while. I am looking forward to updates.
Oh, how exciting!! Enjoy!!!
That is great news! I look forward to hearing more. God bless!
Wonderful! Oh, enjoy that precious blessing :)
What a blessing!! My DH and I have been working on getting kids fostered by good families, it's a challenge. That is our next step now that our little Em is home for 2 years. Glad to see you doing it!! Check out www.achildshopeintl.org :)
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