We just got home from our little Anniversary trip (15 yrs! I will post more about that later), so we were out of town for a few days. When we returned, I was listening to our phone messages, and there was ANOTHER message stating that there is a newborn that needs a home, and asking if we would be interested. We have been getting these calls for newborns on an almost weekly basis, and even after we now have a newborn in our home! There is probably room in the crib for one more...but I need to pray about that for awhile first, I am still learning the routine of having an infant in our home. By the way, she is doing so well! She continues to be the sweetest baby you could ever ask for! It will be 3 weeks tomorrow, time has flown by!
So, my point in writing this post is to ask...could you, would you, consider fostering an infant or older child? Some just need loving homes for a short while, while others need a family to love them longer term. Some may even become available for adoption after being with you for awhile. There is such a need, and the babies are waiting...could it be your loving arms that would welcome them into a safe, warm home?
We would, we could, and we ARE looking into foster care!! I am so excited!!!
Glad your trip was fun!
Thanks for your e-mail!
Hugs, Jill
So glad to hear that all is going well with your little sweetie!!
That is something that you are getting lots of calls for newborns...very sad! If I did not work, I would consider FC....don't know what my hubby would say about it, though. : )
He thinks we have our hands full enough, can't imagine why! hee hee!
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