Fall makes me so happy! I look forward to pumpkins all around the house, the kids jumping in leaf piles in the yard, and the smell of home baked pumpkin bread coming from my kitchen.
I love to curl up with a warm blanket at home with my favorite book, drinking hot apple cider. In my garden I found a wonderful surprise of miniature white pumpkins growing abundantly, and I can't wait to bring them in to decorate with.
The pleasures of fall are so many...I hope you enjoy the blessings of this season as much as I do!
Oh isn't autumn wonderful??
Hello Michelle,
Thank you for coming by my blog and joining in the fun 100th post give away! It was nice to meet you!
I just love fall time! What a wonderful life you have living on a farm. We kinda live in the suburbs. We do have a little veggie garden,an apple tree and a peach tree, and a flower garden area.
Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the cool fall weather! I made a wonderful apple cake today and plan on making some pumpkin bread tomorrow.
Smiles and blessings,
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