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Around 9 mos of age, there was a court hearing. We were all out of town. I recieved a call from the Guardian ad Litem, and she had some not-so-good news. She said that some relatives had come forward. They were very interested. We knew this could be the beginning of the end of our time with baby L. We waited months, and were told that the relatives finally passed the homestudy. I found out that these relatives were notified by the biological grandmother, who has numerous problems, and has been banned from seeing baby L. She had asked them to consider taking baby L, and knew nothing about us, or that we were a pre-adoptive home. Fast forward 6 months, and we got a call out of the blue, stating that the relative placement may happen even before the termination trial, so they wanted us all to come to a meeting. We went, and the relatives participated by phone. After the meeting we were told we would hear of the decision within a couple weeks, and we never did. I asked a few times, and was given vague answers. The next thing I knew our social worker quit, and a few months later the new one was bringing up adoption of baby L. The relatives had not made contact. The dept. was recommending she remain with us, and her biological mother wanted that as well. Within a month, we had signed the open adoption agreement, and then her mom relinquished her rights. We are now awaiting transfer to the adoption unit, which takes months. It's a miracle. We love our little baby L! Only a few more days and she turns 2! I guess we can't call her baby L anymore??! We give God all the glory and thanks for this one. We are so blessed.
Those kissable cheeks such a sweet smile! :)
Reminds me, have you had any contact with mom? I know the last visit never happened, how'd it turn out?
Hi michelle, love this blog.. i'm your newest follower. hope you can visit mine as well.
Overwhelmed by the magnificence of Our God as I read your post! What an incredible God we serve! She is absolutely adorable & to know she will be raised in such a beautiful family brings tears of joy to my eyes!
I just listed you as my top favorite blogs to follow. Thanks so much for all your support & encouragement!
~ Jen
Same thing happened with our Lil Bit. The relatives were coerced into taking the baby but in the end didn't want to do what it takes. Will you change Baby L's name?
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