It's heartbreaking...but this is the reality in Russia. I just stumbled upon this blog the other day, and having worked in russia for a short while, and having adopted a son from there, from a place just like this, I have to tell you-this is the harsh reality. What this woman is doing there is commendable. I hope to do the same one day...yes, I know I have already adopted one from there...but there are so many more, and the sad fact is, they need to be adopted sooner than later. Our son was almost 12 when we brought him home, and the, well, damage beyond comprehension at that age, in many, many cases. We have adopted, but there are thousands more needing a chance...needing someone to claim them as their own...or to at least GO there...and show them what love really is. It's not the drunk guy from the local village who comes in and abuses them, or other orphans who themselves have suffered abuse, and no nothing more than to perpetrate on other younger, more vulnerable children they live with. These kids need to see adults showing real, genuine interest in them...they need to see Jesus through us. They are at such a huge risk. When they have no parenting, they parent each other, and they have no guidance and no way to learn what right or wrong is, what compassion is, and what it means to be fair, kind and just. It is incomprehensible in so many ways. When I left russia, I was numb. I knew a part of it would stay with me forever...and 10 years later, it has. I think of these kids, just like the ones on her blog, and cry. They are so alone. They are so misguided. They are so used and abused. They need us.
I love this blog, and this woman is doing an amazing work. I just wish thousands more would step up and step in to do the same. Go look at their faces...these are real kids, right now, in a very dark, sad place, lost and alone. Will you pray for them?
Angel Food Cake
Angel food cake is an old stand by. My dad was over for supper not long ago
when I served this cake and he said "it tastes just like mom's". I served
4 hours ago
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