Here's our plan for the year!
First day of school: Sept. 6th
Miranda 4th grade
Lilyann Kindergarten
Lexi Lou preschool
Laney preschool
School Name: Hearts to God Homeschool or Snowberryfarm School or Wisdom Keepers Academy-still brainstorming!!
School Motto: Learn*Live*Serve*Give
School colors: Aqua blue
School Mascot: Horse/Elephant/Snow leopard
Bible, Morning devotions & prayer, Kay Arthur book, Awana, Bible journaling
Math-Singapore math
History-Mystery of History
Spelling-BJU 4
Language Arts-Language lessons for the elementary child by Sandi Queen
Nature Study-various nature walks, journaling nature observations as we go.
Keyboarding-finished Dance mat typing last year, will be borrowing a program from a friend this year
Cursive-Loops, Hoops & Groups-finished last year, will be doing it again this year for review and to establish more consistent use of cursive handwriting
P.E.-Will be playing on a new homeschool basketball team, and starting a dance class
Fine arts-Piano lessons, art/drawing, study of famous painters, Shakespeare, hand crafts
Bible-morning devotions and prayer, Awana
Reading-Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons-love this, and taught Miranda to read at age 4 with it!
Writing-various workbooks to practice letters and short words
Language Arts-Lessons for little ones by Sandi Queen
Art-lots of cutting, gluing, drawing, creating!
Fine Arts/P.E.-dance class
Co-ops-We will continue in the two co-ops we have done for sevaral years, plus I am starting a new one. Country Study Co-op, where we study a country each month, then meet together with our group at the end of the month for an ethnic potluck and to listen to each child's presentation on that country.
Friday Forum-A local christian co-op that we attend once a month and the children have 4 classes they attend ranging from science, to book report, to art. This year Miranda is taking a drawing class, Lilyann is taking a camp crafts class, and they will both be in a few other classes with homeschoolers their age.
I am starting a Keepers at Home group with 7 other girls we know. We are going to start with quilting, and for the next few months the girls will be meeting together 2x per month to work on quilting projects. We have a quilting instructor and everything...can't wait to see how this goes!
Field Trips-I am one of the field trip co-ordiators for our local homeschool organization. We will also have 2-3 field trip options to go on every month, as well as other events that are planned throughout the year.
Whew! I am exhausted already, and who said homeschoolers are deprived and don't have enough socialization??? I would love to cut down our schedule but I don't know how! I do know we will take breaks when more week of summer break, then we start!
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
*Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past*
by C.T. Studd
Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
5 hours ago
1 comment:
awesome! You have planned a great year!
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