As many of you know, I think a little differently from the "norm" in some areas, and I just needed to vent a couple of my pet peeves...
The term "adult language" when referring to movies, this really gets me going!! I am an adult, and vulgar, ugly language is not what I consider "adult" type language, and I will never teach my children that this is "adult" language! I will, however, teach them what type of language is pleasing to God, and that is what we should always strive for. I will teach them that people that use this type of language are making a poor choice, and/or they just have never had positive role models in their lives. I will also teach them that this type of language is really a lazy way of speaking, because they can't/won't find more intelligent words to use. I also really hate it when I am out in public with my children and people around don't even care that there are little children around when they are yelling their profanities, or just talking loudly using these ugly words.
My second pet peeve I wanted to talk about tonight is the weather. Why is weather that is hot and sunny the only weather that is considered "good" weather?? And why is rain considered "bad" weather? I personally love the rain. If it wasn't for rain, on those sunny days when we are spending our time outdoors, we would have no flowers, green grass and green trees to admire and enjoy! I was listening to a christian radio station the other day, and even the DJ's there have fallen into this way of thinking. All weather is "good" weather, because it was created by God, and we need all types of weather! Wouldn't it be amazing if they would start giving weather reports like this: "Today's high will be in the 40's, with beautiful cloud covered skies. Late afternoon might bring gorgeous raindrops, so get out there and sing in the rain, it's going to be a fabulous day!!!"
I have a few more, but I will save them for another post...thanks for listening, I needed to get these off my chest!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
This easy salsa tatemada recipe is rich, smoky, and spicy, and has the
perfect balance of heat and flavor. We love all kinds of salsa–pico de
gallo, toma...
10 hours ago
LOL! I love your pet peeves! Isn't it wonderful that God paints a new beautiful picture for us in the sky each and every day? He never ceases to bless us!
You are so right. I agree with you 100%!
LOL we are sooo alike! I too can't stand the term "adult language" and I too love love love rainy days!!!
Good points. I too feel the same about both things!
When my oldest was in fourth or fifth grade she picked up some "adult language" (and I totally agree with your description -- I am an adult and don't talk like that!) at school. I told her that it was cheap language, much too easy for us. We used expensive words that tried to express our thoughts and feelings exactly. I had no idea whether she bought into it until I heard her telling it to a friend of hers who had used "damm." I loved hearing her say that he was better than that cheap language. Score one for mom!
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