The other night I spent 4 hrs. in the ER with her. It was a time of great reflection. I remembered back to that first time she opened her eyes, and looked into mine as I held her. (Wasn't that just yesterday?) This journey is not always easy, as parenting never is. Recently she went through a phase of shouting "That not fair!" anytime something didn't go her way. It was actually quite comical to watch, but also concerning as I realized she is barely 3, and this can't be starting yet!! I remember the long nights in the hotel of screaming, in the days following our gotcha day in China. I remember many of nights of crying and screaming here at home as she appeared to be going through night terrors. I remember being worried for her. I now know to just pray...and I did...and she is okay.
This sweet one has been through a lot in her little lifetime. When I would find her screaming in the night I often wondered if the trauma of being abandoned and left alone was the source of the continued fear. I prayed over her and believed that God would heal it all-every little part of her that still hurts. I know she is fine, and I continue to pray that as her mother I will be able to give her all that she she has given me so much more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you for your sweet and encouraging comment on my blog!
I love reading about families who have adopted so I am very eager to continue reading your blog.
Have a blessed new week~
What a lovely lovely lovely post! I do hope Lilyann is ok re your trip to ER?
I know the Lord knitted you together for the perfect reason :)
Oh Michelle, this post brought tears to my eyes! I know exactly how you feel! What a precious gift you've been given to raise! What a sweet post!
Thanks for this!
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