Today was my birthday. I didn't expect a thing, but I am ending this day feeling *blessed* beyond measure. My day started with my children working hard all morning on a secret brunch that I was only to enjoy in bed! Ahhh...then my six year old (an aspiring massage therapist and barista) proceeded to give me a great massage! Then, the afternoon was spent with them making gifts and wrapping, all hush hush, while I was given quiet time! No homeschooling, no chores, just time to myselfe while they worked like little elves getting ready for my "party"! Later on, when my DH got home, he cooked up a special meal in the kitchen that was fabulous (he's a much better cook than I), and I was treated to that as well as cake, ice-cream and some of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever seen. Not only that, I was surrounded by the cutest little kiddos ever, with the biggest smiles on their faces. They showered me with hugs and kisses, and tons of happy birthday wishes. I sit here now while DH and oldest daughter clean the kitchen, and I am feeling very humble, grateful, and blessed far beyond anything I deserve. God's blessings sometimes shower us when we least expect it, and His love shines so brightly we cannot deny it. My heart is full.