We just got a call! Four days before Christmas and there is a little tiny baby needing a home. Before I could even allow my heart and mind to think about it, I said no. It was the same woman that placed baby C with us 9 months ago. She said she thought we were full, but was "hoping". I immediately called DH to tell him, and to my surprise he was asking questions like, "Was it a boy or a girl?" and "How old?" I cannot believe he would even consider it, with how overwhelmed we are! I tell people all the time that this is our limit. I cannot imagine caring for 3 babies, plus the other two. This morning was a great example, there was one diaper change after another, one older child sick, and crying coming from every direction. It took both of us to get things under control. It was complete chaos for awhile, the kind where you need to stop and pray, because you realize you really need God's help in that moment. But, of course, I still wonder, where will this baby end up? Who is this little one? Should I have considered it, prayed about it, instead of saying no right away? A baby for Christmas...I pray this precious one finds a wonderful family just in time.
The other day I thought miss L looked so cute in her snowbunny outfit as she got ready to go out and play in the snow. I wanted to capture a quick picture before she went outside. I quickly remembered how hard it is to get a good photo of her. She has a VERY hard time just looking at the camera and smiling. This has always been an issue...and, it is actually better, but just to give you an idea, here are some samples of that days "photo shoot".
Please, just stand and smile, say cheese, anything but dance around, all I want is one quick picture, then you can go out and play!
Oh my goodness, what is that face? Please, little one, just smile, your normal, natural, adorable smile....and this is the best I got! {she was really trying here, lol!}.
Poor thing, she really thought that was the smile I see all the time when I am not trying to take pictures....this is not fun anymore!!! Come on, sweetie, one more try!!
Okay, I'll take this one...it's not really your typical smile, but you tried really hard for mommy, and you need to go out and play! And off she went to join her sister in the back yard for an afternoon of sledding.
This is only 5 of the many other pictures taken during what turned into a photo shoot, just looking for one simple picture...smiling at the camera. This is what I go through pretty much every time I try and get a picture of her where I want her to look at the camera...it's exhausting! She has so many faces she puts on in an attempt to pose...yet none are her natural smile. It does make for some pretty funny photos, and lots of memories when looking back at them! Oh, my sweet little Lil, you are a unique, fun-loving little girl, and I wouldn't trade you for the world! Love ya my little snow bunny!
This is going to be a really random post, because my life is just, well, really random right now!
My first *serious* boyfriend used to pop back into my life every year on my b-day, after I broke up with him at the age of 14! It was crazy. In fact, the year I met my husband, I had forgotten that this ex-boyfriend of mine did this, and on my 19th b-day, I heard someone knock on the door, and I peeked out and saw the back of what I thought was my current boyfriends head. To my utter shock, when I opened the door, it was the blast from the past again....the guy who had showed up on my doorstep for the past 5 years, every birthday! Talk about awkward, as I knew my current boyfriend (now my husband) would be driving up any moment!
In 1997, I was completing my Occupational therapy degree. I wanted to do one of my 6 week internships at one of the big state mental hospitals...call me crazy, I know...and it was one of the most bizarre, outrageous experiences I have had to this day! I was a poor student, not knowing how I was going to find a place to live for 6 weeks, but somehow, I ended up being offered a room in a home of one of the employees that worked there. A single african american woman and her daughters. They were so kind, and supportive, especially after she informed me that the supervisor I was assigned to should actually be one of the patients there, and not an employee, lol! Needless to say...it was a horrific experience, but God had me right where I needed to be...and this christian family supported and loved me, a complete stranger, through it all! Fast forward 12 years, and I got a call from this woman last year! This was the first time I had talked to her since that 6 week internship, and she said she had found my number somewhere and wanted to call and check up on me! Thankfully, I remembered her and we had a nice conversation, and I thought it was so sweet that she actually picked up the phone and called!
Now, my 10 year high school reunion was a different story. I remembered most of the people there, but at one point, I was standing there, and saw this guy coming toward me with a big smile on his face and his arms spread out to his sides saying "MICHELLE!" as he gave me a big hug. I was stunned, and caught off guard for a moment, and he must have noticed, because he then said, "Don't tell me you don't remember me". Now this was an attractive guy, someone I would think I would remember, but honestly, I had NO CLUE who this person was. I still don't remember what I said to him because at that point I felt so horrible for not remembering him, and I even tried looking him up in the yearbook later, and he wasn't in it. Crazy!
Facebook is the newest way we now connect with each other, and honestly, I don't have much time to spend there. I have a hard enough time trying to maintain and sustain real life relationships, and think these are so much more important, that if I spend time on facebook I really begin to feel like I am neglecting my family and friends. I am shocked every once in awhile when I open my email and find a friend request from someone from the past. Even more surprised when it's someone I haven't talked to since I was like, 13. Today I got that friend request. It was a friend I met at the summer camp I used to go to every year in the San Juan Islands. Even more surprising, I actually remember her! Once again, it just seems so crazy to me. Crazy.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"Cleaning the house while the kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk as it's still snowing!"
We are a christian adoptive family! God has pieced together our family in a way that is more beautiful than anything I could have imagined! We have adopted internationally, as well as through the US foster care system, but most importantly we have all been adopted by God! Ephesians 1:5 says "God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ".
We live on a small hobby farm, and homeschool our six children. Life is full!
My first miracle born in 2001. After giving birth to her, I realized that being a mother was the best job out there, and children are a miracle and precious gift from God. She is a true country girl at heart. Horses are her passion. She is an amazing big sister to her 5 little siblings!
Adopted from China in 2007.
Her sweet spirit fills our home with beauty and love. She is our little dancer, and introduced me to the world of recitals, dance practices, tutu's and ballet! Most of all, her love for Jesus shines bright, and even at her young age, she has a passion for orphan care and missions. These are subjects she talks and prays about on a daily basis! Can't wait to see where the Lord takes this girl!
Adopted from U.S. foster care, July 2013.
God's surprises never cease to amaze me. He is Laney's full sibling who came to live with us in Nov. 2011. Our son since the day he arrived. This is the sweetest boy you will ever meet.
Adopted from U.S. foster care November 2011.
Words cannot describe the joy this precious pumpkin brings to our lives! Another sweet miracle fromt the Lord. She was our first foster baby, arriving at the age of 7 weeks. We were blessed to adopt her in November of 2011. She refers to herself as a princess, and is also a lover of kittens, books, and dancing. I guess many more dance practices and recitals are in our future, lol!
Adopted from U.S. foster care, July 2013.
She was our second foster child who came home from the hospital at one week old. She livens up our days with her endless energy and strong will! It has been such a joy to see her and Austin have the chance to be together as brother and sister, and they definately have a bond that makes my heart smile!
Adopted from U.S. foster care July 2013. What a surprise it was to see that the little boy I pictured in my mind, who only the Lord would know, was actually in need of a forever family! Another miraculous gift from the Lord. He arrived at 4 mos. of age in Oct. 2011. Cute as can be with a contagious laugh and smile.
Sour Cream Coffee Cake
This coffee cake was my go-to when guests were coming for coffee and
dessert during the 80's. I pulled the recipe out not that long ago and it
is just ...
Easy Chile Relleno Casserole
This easy chile relleno casserole recipe has all the big flavors of a
classic chile relleno without the deep frying! My sister sends me lots of
cooking v...
Joy in the Ordinary
As the keeper of the home, it's easy to get lost in the mundane. To lose
sight of joy as we are bogged down in the every day. One way to combat that
is t...
Ginger Pain Salve Recipe
Here’s how to make a warming ginger pain salve for achy joints, sore
muscles, and arthritis. Ginger is one of my top favorite herbs! It’s easily
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
*Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past*
by C.T. Studd
Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
So you want to get backyard chickens, but what are the best backyard
chicken breeds? These hens are easy-care and lay lots of eggs for you!
The post Back...
I Have Been Here Before~ Hello Spring
Life has been large lately. Ever feel like life is just too large?
This morning I was looking back to a time in my life a few years ago. This
is an up...
Hello, dear reader, how are you? It's been a lifetime and an age. I'm not
sure if this will reach you, but I finally wrote that book I was telling
you abou...
Love and Prayer and Purity
The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and
prayer and purity, is doing something better than anything else her hands
could f...
Prayer for the President of the United States
I posted this prayer four years ago, Jan. 20, 2017 and I thought I'd share
it once again. It's a beautiful prayer from 1947, when Dr. Peter Marshall,
the C...
5 Quick Ways to Bless Your Husband Tonight!
We all want to do sweet things for our husbands to show them that we love
them, but sometimes it’s hard to remember to make our husbands a priority
when ...
Practical Advice for First-Time Homeschoolers
Practical Advice for First-Time Homeschoolers is a post from Christine of
Christine Trevino. You’ve made the big decisions and the kids have been
pulled ...
The Honest Co Baby Wipes, in Stock on Target.com
We tracked down baby wipes in stock online at Target.com and available for
pickup or shipping. There’s also a 10% off coupon for The Honest Co brand
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello friends!
Just stopping by quickly with a reminder that it’s that time again!
Ever since I was little, we have cut forsythia to force it to bloom i...
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies...
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are definitely a Christmas tradition around here.
I've been making these for eons! (just kidding... over a decade, but
Color my Life - a Writing Tip and Book Review
Color My Life - A Writing Tip and Book Review
I thought I’d share a trade secret. It is a tiny tip from (and for) a
student of writing. (I’ll always be a st...
moving the blog to a new home
After more than a dozen years blogging here, I'm moving this content
forward and starting fresh with a new look and a new location. Please visit
me at hous...
Exploring London During the Christmas Season
Colin and I just returned from a trip to London, which is someplace I've
always thought would be such a special place to visit during the holidays.
I reall...
Going Home
I am writing this blog post as a declaration Someday, my life here will
end. It may be tomorrow – it may be fifty years from now; but one of these
late summer projects
Surprisingly I managed to sew more than I am usually able to in the
summer. The top in the picture above was made of chambray linen using the *...
Easy Homemade Lemonade Recipe
Summer is in full swing and that means one thing–my kids are bored.
Seriously?? School has only been out for a few weeks! Since we limit their
screen tim...
Palms for Stones
Sunday morning we wielded our palms, waving them somewhat awkwardly while a
tangle of kids did their best to show us how to rejoice and be human. The
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
*Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography*
by Herman Selderhuis
Last Hope Island: Britain Occupied Europe, and the Brotherhood Tha...
I'm Here
Its been a long while. I've changed. So very much has changed.
I'm not sure if I'm going to write again here or start a private blog.
Still contemplating...
Turkish Delight from the Chronicles of Narnia
[image: 44220: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe]Mija has been reading *The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the
Witch and the ...
Better late than never ! I wanted to make sure that I had something to
post this month. If you would like to purchase this sweet, spring rabbit
box, pleas...
Friday Farm Photos: Have a Long Eared Weekend.
Any plans this weekend? We watched *this great movie* last night (which we
somehow didn't realize was produced and directed by Clint Eastwood until
after ...
One life.
Live it well.
One shot.
What does that look like amongst the crazy that is mommahood?
Kids grow. Messes made. Lessons learned.
Life doesn't stop ...
Waiting for the Whisper
I haven’t quite figured out how to re-route traffic to my new blog
location…. so just so you know, there’s a new post up. HERE
Living Math with Factors, Multiples, and Primes
Our latest arithmetic topic has been factors, multiples, and primes. We
used our Singapore math textbook and workbook as a supplement to these
activities w...
Moved To My New Website...
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to let you know I am now blogging over on my
website... and have added some fun tutorials and videos there so please...
pop ...
10 year blogging anniversary
Hello! I just realized that I missed my 10 year blogging anniversary. Of
course, I've barely blogged for the past few years, so I'm not sure it
The Illumination of the Menorah: Then and Now
As the sun sets this evening and closes out the 8th day of Hanukkah, the
festival of lights and miracles, I close my eyes for a moment to try and
connect a...
This year has been different.
For months before marriage God spoke to my heart of new things, prepared my
soul to cling to His promise, “Behold, I am doin...
Blackberry Junction September 10th to 13th
I’m afraid I have been to busy working to spend much time sharing pictures
of things I’ve bee making. I just sent in my money for this year’s
Blackberry Ju...
Let's Dance!
"What sports do you do?" It's a question I have overheard my girls answer
many time over the years. Initially, they have each forgotten to include
dance as...
Hello friends.....
Hello friends. How are you?
I hope that you all had a blessed Easter and were able to enjoy your day
with family. I like to imagine Easter as a beautif...
Forever Mom Winner
The winner of the giveaway for "Forever Mom" by Mary Ostyn is....
Danell Hilliard (who commented via Facebook).
Congrats, Danell! Your book is on the wa...
I'm baaack!
I've taken a hiatus from my blog posts for a little over a year. Nothing
bad, just a hiatus. As a matter of fact, a lot of wonderful events ha...
Happy Mother's Day!
Moms truly have THE very best job. I consider it the highest calling
and I'm so grateful to be a mom. Just to think that God trusted me with
these three ...
Sweet Green
A new juice: 1 Bosc pear, 4 large romaine leaves, 6 stalks celery, 1 apple,
1 lime.
Sweet. Refreshing. Slightly thick from the over-ripe pear and apple.
Fall at our house
Fall was absolutely beautiful in our area. Every time you looked outside,
you saw new and brighter colors. I was absolutely amazed by them. Our
colors in ...
Our New House
One of the reasons I'm so behind in updating the blog is....we moved at
the beginning of June!
We only moved 2 miles from our previous house...but hopefull...
Does anything come forth without work?
This person will be 3m old next week, so I guess I really need to get back
into the swing of things. Look for a One Little Corner post next week. I
Then and Now
This was Chloe's first visit to the zoo in March 2011. I have a hard time
remembering how small she really was.
This was taken today. Where did the ...
Jak wypełnić wniosek urlopowy?
Jak wypełnić wniosek urlopowy? Kiedy już wydrukujesz sobie wniosek o urlop
to następną rzeczą, którą powinno się uczynić jest jego wypełnienie.
Wniosek tak...
Preserving the Harvest
Or should I say preserving what you have or buy! I have canned the last few
years. First it started with jams, then applesauce, pickles, pickled
The Back Fence
I noticed the rays of sunlight streaming through the fence as we pulled
into our driveway. Sometimes I feel like everywhere I look I see a
picture. I gr...
Things To Come
So much has happened since my last post. Mostly I'm just plain busy and
can't quite find the time to blog. FaceBook has been my outlet for sharing
photos a...
I've moved!
So...if you are still somehow ending up this page you haven't gotten the
memo yet. I've switched to WP.
Go to www.PraiseAndCoffee.com and change your RS fe...
Going with God
We leave in less than 24 hours. God is with us. We are going with him. We
are taking peace, hope, and the understanding that HE is writing this
story. We c...