You are a great and mighty God! I am so blessed with a house full of smiles and giggles and silliness every single day. You have given me so much...and I know that much is required of me. God, it is hard. I know you never said it would be easy. So, I pray, and I lean on you, Lord, for guidance and strength, but sadly, not always enough. You have taught me so much through my children, God. Thank you for them. Fostering has been such a hands on real way to show your love directly to these children you have entrusted to me. Only, I fail often. I strive to be more and more like you every day...and I am humbled and on my knees asking for more of you, so you will flow through me to the little lambs I am attempting to shepherd. This high calling of motherhood is such an amazing gift. I try my best to give it my all...but need your help, as daily tasks can sometimes be overwhelming. I often wonder how I could do it without you. I couldn't. Each of my children have their own special stories, and the more I think about it, the more I realize without a doubt that each one of their little lives is a MIRACLE. From my two oldest being tiny preemies, they are survivors. My youngest two started out lives by being assaulted with drugs and toxins within the womb. Lord, you were right there protecting them all. Thank you Jesus!!
And now, another little one has been brought to our attention. A 5 mo. old baby boy. Father, I know just the other day I found myself saying out loud that I would love a baby boy. Were you preparing me for this call? Or am I stretched too thin already? I never expected a call..as our foster license is full. Only you know the plans you have for this baby and for my family. God I ask that as we take the next couple days to seek your will...that you will make it overwhelmingly clear what it is you would have us do. We wouldn't be able to do this without total reliance on you. I pray this little life will be set permanantly in the family you have chosen for him soon...whether it's ours or another. I pray, if it is us...we would be able to quickly open our hearts and home. If it is not, I pray the door would close and he would safely settle into his new loving home and family. We leave it all up to you!
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families." - Psalm 68:5-6
Cherry Danish
This handwritten Cherry Danish recipe has been tucked into one of my
cookbooks for many years. I finally decided to make it, and realized it's
pretty we...
9 hours ago
1 comment:
those calls are hard!
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