I really don't know where this post will go, I'm a little emotional right now, thinking about all I need and want to express...I really don't know if I can adequately put it all into words.
I am... heartbroken...for what breaks the heart of God. My home is full...or is it? At least in my mind it seems...yet there are children every.single.day in this community that need us. I have 6. Yet, more need homes. Foster children and new born babies in all of our cities, and babies and children in orphanages all over the world who get almost no stimulation daily, they need homes. Loving, christian homes. I am only one. I want them all, but as one, I cannot take them all.
I am... frustrated. Frustrated that the majority of people won't choose to see the need, and respond. Tonight a call came. An 8 yr. old girl living in a horrific situation needed somewhere to go. She was just removed, and scared, and yet, maybe, somewhat hopeful, and thankful that she was no longer there to be abused...yet I didn't have the space. Another friend got a call for two baby boys, and another sibling group of four needed a home tonight. All of these children need us. US. All of us. We are the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. What would He do? Would he pretend that this wasn't happening all around us in our own neighborhoods and communities? No, he would embrace them. We as christians need to lay our lives down for those that need us...especially innocent children. It's not about us and our comfort and our perfect little families anymore. It's about laying down our lives, sacrificially, and saying yes, yes, I will...for you Lord...because of all you've done for me and because it pleases you...and because you've asked me to.
I am...responsible. Responsible to care, and to advocate for those children here in our own towns, and those around the world that need us.
I am... confused. Why is it not that important to so many christians? Why do they look at us and say, "Wow, it takes a special person"? It really doesn't. It just takes an open heart and a willingness to lay down your life for another. Where is the church?
There is a couple at our church that have started serving the homeless every sunday afternoon. I am so proud of them. They are meeting physical needs, providing clothing, blankets and food...and they are not leaving out the gospel, as they share the words of God's love for them. This is wonderful. People are stepping up, giving to the cause, helping out. We also jumped in on this as the Bible tells us to care for them. He also says to care for orphans, which is what the american foster child is. They are, essentially, homeless children. For some reason or another, they have either been abandoned by their parents, or soon will be, or their parents can no longer care for them. Where is the emphasis on the importance of this? I don't see it, yet I see people jumping in to help the homeless adults without blinking an eye. Are children not just as important? Why isn't the church seeing this need...and encouraging each other in the need for christian families to step up and care for these precious children?
I am...blessed. I cannot emphasize enough the blessings we have been so graciously given as we have cared for these children. We have been blessed with the gift of adoption, internationally, and here at home through the foster care system. We have new daughters and sons because we took the risk to care for the children around us that needed homes and families. I never would have believed the blessings could have been this BIG. I am in awe of how the Lord always gives us immeasurably more than we ever could have hoped or asked for. For that I am...forever grateful. Thank you, Jesus.
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