A real blog post coming soon!!! The holiday season has hit here at our house! We are in the midst of farmhouse decorating, cookie baking, and all things Christmas.
Tonight was my work Christmas party, tomorrow night Awana, Thursday night I plan on going to my homeschooling Mom's support group where we will have a cookie exchange, and fellowship. Friday morning another cookie exchange takes place at our homeschool co-op, Saturday we attend a Christmas program, and Sunday we are having a Christmas party here for our China adoptive families group!!! So much to do!
In the midst of all this a stray cat appeared at our house. She had been here a few weeks before then disappeared. This time she was injured. We got her in to a vet this afternoon, and the poor thing was on the brink of death. She had two bites that had abscessed, and when the wounds began to drain, it all froze to her in this weather that has been in the teens here! Poor girl. The odd thing was, this vet sent her home to us still under anesthesia. We have been nursing her back to health and consciousness. My little animal rescuer, M, is loving this. She would do anything to save a hurt animal. She has lovingly named this cat Amber. Amber is finally awake now, eating, and no longer the wild cat she once was. She is still very sick, and seems to also have an upper respiratory infection. We hope she makes it.
We all went away for the weekend. It was a wonderful time! Stay tuned for our next post on "A Mountain Meadow Christmas"
Waiting for snow,
Cherry Danish
This handwritten Cherry Danish recipe has been tucked into one of my
cookbooks for many years. I finally decided to make it, and realized it's
pretty we...
9 hours ago
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