Okay, time for a quick update on the foster baby girls!!
Baby L, who is now almost 13 months old is doing so well! We had a little b-day party for her, and she was so cute! She started walking right before her first b-day, however, she now has decided she'd rather crawl again. She still walks off and on throughout the day when she feels like it. She is a joy! She laughs at EVERYTHING! I mean, anything I show her, a picture of someone, something I pull out of the fridge, a toy, anything, she laughs! She is very smart. She is saying about 10 words, and climbs up on anything and everything, so needless to say, I am exhausted!! We have transitioned her into the big girls room, and it is actually going well! Her dad, who came forward for the first time at the last court hearing, never did follow through with the dna test he asked for, and the judge warned him that he needed to step up quickly this late in the game. I just found out her moms trial was postponed until mid July, so we continue to wait...........
Baby C is precious. She is finally smiling at me, and gets really happy when she sees me. This was slow to come, since she was a preemie. She is almost 4 mos. old, but still developmentally a 3 month old due to prematurity. She is rolling over, but still has very little head control. We are working on tummy time, and she is getting much better at tolerating it. Nothing new on her case, and unless the parents make a lot of progress in the next few months, her plan will be changed to adoption this fall.
We have been busy taking classes to renew our foster license since it has been 3 years since we were licensed, and we are up for renewal. We have to fill out paperwork, do another background check, and complete 36 hours of training. We have a few more hours to complete, and then the home visit to check out our home again. It's been a lot of work, but this last year of fostering has been a blast. We are loving it, and hope to continue for as long as the Lord calls us to do it...and I only wish we would have done it sooner, since the need is so great. The harvest truly is plentiful, but the workers are few. Matthew 9:37