Sunday, August 29, 2010
I guess I will call this post an update on our foster babies, but it will also probably turn into a rant.
A few weeks ago I got a call from the SW. She said that there was a really nice guy that came forward, stating he was the father of baby L. Now, keep in mind, the dna test was underway on guy #1 , the man that baby L's mom has always named as the father. The SW stated that she had to go along with this guy, and help him. They went and put his name on baby L's birth certificate! She said to be prepared, that baby L would start visitations with this guy soon. DH and I were shocked that there is nothing legal that has to be done first. Apparently, any random man can come forward, state they are the father, have their name legally placed on the child's birth certificate, and be granted visitations to the child. This is so unbelievable, and ridiculous, in my opinion. This guy is actually an ex-boyfriend of baby L's mom. From what we gather, her and this guy have been talking and devised this plan. Since she is still in jail, she would have this guy take custody of baby L, then move in with him when she gets out.
Within a week after this, the dna results were in. Guy #1 IS the father. Since then, I have heard nothing. The bio father hasn't even requested to meet his daughter yet. The fake father has not had visitations either, and I also heard that there is a chance that he may still have a chance at visitations just by showing interest. I also heard that they have to go through a major process to get him off of the birth certificate now. Then, what really surprised me was, yesterday I recieved a new state medical card in the mail for baby L. When DH and I ripped open the envelope, and saw what it was, our bottom lips hit the floor--It had the fake dads last name hyphenated with moms last name! Give me a break, this has gone way too far! Where has the common sense gone? I have no idea what will happen next with this case, I think I will put in a call to the SW this week.
Meanwhile, baby L continues to thrive, and laugh, and giggle and smile! She will be 15 mos. old in a couple days. Let's hope her case speeds up, and also becomes a little less full of drama. You just can't make these things up, like I said, I would never believe this if I wasn't in the middle of it!
Friday, August 27, 2010
New plans...
" I am a princess" miss L likes to say. She just got this new dress from her aunt and uncle and it is adorable on her. Thanks D & A!
We have some exciting new plans for her...
She is getting ready to go to preschool soon-three days a week!
Although we are very commited to homeschooling, we know this is something L will thrive with, and it will keep her busy, as she is a very energetic, social, and outgoing child who loves to be occupied throughout the day.
We sent M to preschool when she was 5. We had already decided to homeschool by then, but M had huge separation anxiety issues even at that age. This was something we had noticed since babyhood. We had tried everything, and it didn't help. We thought preschool might help. The teachers saw her extreme separation anxiety, and assured me this was normal, and that it would disappear in a couple weeks. I smiled, and explained that although that would be ideal, they didn't know M, and they might be surprised. Four months later, her separation anxiety was not lessening, as I suspected. The teachers held a conference, and said they had never encountered a child like her, and they put her on their prayer list. We decided to continue with preschool even though her anxiety continued. Nearing the end of the school year, we saw a slight improvement, and we also noticed that she was enjoying herself, learning, and fully engaged in the class. To this day, she still has very fond memories of preschool.
Miss L is a very different child. There is no separation anxiety to deal with, and she thrives with lots of activities, music, and attention. She is a social butterfly. We decided to allow her to have a year of christian preschool just like M had. Then we will start up with homeschool Kindergarten next fall. I am sure it will be a year of sweet memories she will always remember.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I don't understand...
The guy below has a very good message, and it is A MUST WATCH:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Babies Update!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A must read.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Here she is!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
It's ANOTHER girl!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Unfortunately, it's true...
When monday morning arrived, my parents rushed me to a Seattle hospital to see a vision specialist. A very kind and compassionate older doctor examined my eyes. He told me that my retinas were burned from the sun. He said that when people look at an eclipse, this is exactly what he sees with their eyes. Except mine was worse, as I had stared at the sun for a longer period of time. He was so warm and kind, and he gave me some hope. He said to go home, and come back the next week, and he would know the extent of my damage. I went home, and I prayed. My grandmother prayed for me and told me that God could heal my eyes. I believed her. That week of blindness was a very humbling experience, and it was a turning point in my faith in God. I went back to the doctor, and I felt that I was seeing a bit better! He examined my eyes, and noted that my right eye had completely healed! Praise God. I wasn't really a christian then, but I think this was the beginning of my walk with God. The next time my eyes were examined, my right eye(retina) was still healed, and my left eye only had minimal scarring. The amazing thing was that my vision was completely restored! When both of my eyes are open, my right eye compensates for the blind spot that remains in my left eye, so that I don't see the blind spot at all! I was healed, and I thank God for that healing to this day!
So, as you can see, this was not a lie from my post below, it is a truth, and a wonderful testimony of God's mercy, grace, and healing!
My little fib was the one about adding Llamas and Alpacas to my farm...I am a little overwhelmed with all my little girls and goats, and can't imagine adding more critters to the farm.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Three truths, one lie!!!