If I wasn't living this, I would never believe it.
I guess I will call this post an update on our foster babies, but it will also probably turn into a rant.
A few weeks ago I got a call from the SW. She said that there was a really nice guy that came forward, stating he was the father of baby L. Now, keep in mind, the dna test was underway on guy #1 , the man that baby L's mom has always named as the father. The SW stated that she had to go along with this guy, and help him. They went and put his name on baby L's birth certificate! She said to be prepared, that baby L would start visitations with this guy soon. DH and I were shocked that there is nothing legal that has to be done first. Apparently, any random man can come forward, state they are the father, have their name legally placed on the child's birth certificate, and be granted visitations to the child. This is so unbelievable, and ridiculous, in my opinion. This guy is actually an ex-boyfriend of baby L's mom. From what we gather, her and this guy have been talking and devised this plan. Since she is still in jail, she would have this guy take custody of baby L, then move in with him when she gets out.
Within a week after this, the dna results were in. Guy #1 IS the father. Since then, I have heard nothing. The bio father hasn't even requested to meet his daughter yet. The fake father has not had visitations either, and I also heard that there is a chance that he may still have a chance at visitations just by showing interest. I also heard that they have to go through a major process to get him off of the birth certificate now. Then, what really surprised me was, yesterday I recieved a new state medical card in the mail for baby L. When DH and I ripped open the envelope, and saw what it was, our bottom lips hit the floor--It had the fake dads last name hyphenated with moms last name! Give me a break, this has gone way too far! Where has the common sense gone? I have no idea what will happen next with this case, I think I will put in a call to the SW this week.
Meanwhile, baby L continues to thrive, and laugh, and giggle and smile! She will be 15 mos. old in a couple days. Let's hope her case speeds up, and also becomes a little less full of drama. You just can't make these things up, like I said, I would never believe this if I wasn't in the middle of it!
Cherry Danish
This handwritten Cherry Danish recipe has been tucked into one of my
cookbooks for many years. I finally decided to make it, and realized it's
pretty we...
9 hours ago
Wow, I cant believe they just took that guys word for it! What a mess.
Wow! I am not really sure what to say. I just can't believe that in the sick world we live in that they would just take the word of any random guy who claims to be a bio-father. They put his name on a birth cert and give visitation. Wow, way to protect the children!
Boy, the government sure wants to protect these kids don't they? Gee, one of them may even be a pedophile even...
I know, Michelle, sometimes, things are so unbelievable, that if it wasn't the fact that you "are" up to your hilt with it, no one would believe it.
I see this where I live in this little "Peyton Place". I have had two neighbor's girls, one was not even 15 when she got knocked up, and the other was not even 16, don't ask where the mothers were at. I live in a welfare infested cesspool, and I see things that are unbelievable also.
I send you prayers, and strength in your situation.
Wow, I know I don't know you, I am just a phantom reader but I pray that everything will work out for your family. It is such a wonderful blessing that little one has had in finding such a wonderful family and I know it is all going to work out for the best.
Yuck! We went through something similar with our second oldest daughter. Some random man came forward and said he always wanted a daughter. We did the DNA thing and he was NOT the father. She was 5 when he came forward. It was ridiculous!
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