Oh, when will things slow down? For those of you who have read my blog long, you know this is the desire of my heart. I don't want to be running around every day from this place, to that place, appointments, stores, and more. I know there must be an easier way. There just has to be. Last fall, I began formulating a monthly meal plan. I would plan dinners for every night of the month, and do all the grocery shopping the 1st day of the month. I have loved this! It really takes the pressure off when you think about, "What's for dinner?" each day. Well, somewhere along the line things have gotten too busy. We are 4 days into the month, and I have had no time to sit down and meal plan, let alone go grocery shopping for the month! Thankfully, we were able to eat out at my favorite mexican restaurant tonight. I have narrowed it down to only a handful of places I will eat out at in our town. I have a love for healthy authentic mexican food. This is not the kind that is dripping in grease and cheese. In fact, the place I go doesn't use cheddar cheese at all, and most items are covered in shredded cabbage, and they have about 8 choices of freshly made salsas that are to die for. Everything is made from scratch, and delicious!
Oooops, back to my theme for tonight...simplicty. I need to have time to sit down with my children, play with them on the floor, bake with them, roll in the grass outside, and lately these things aren't happening. There is too much to do! Too many places to go, people to see, and appointments to make. I need to scale way back, because this is not where I intended to end up. I found myself staring at my calendar today trying to plan some summer activities and trips, and I was shocked as I realized there is something going on almost every day, and weekend! It's too much! I want to slow down and smell the antique roses out behind the garage, I noticed they were bloomed today, when did that happen?
I have a lot of things to look at and weed out for the upcoming months, and though I am tempted to do it all, I think life will be much sweeter if I step back, slow down, let go, and pray. I am at peace when things are simple, and I hear God's voice much clearer this way too, and that is most important.
Simple Summer Blessings to you...as I strive to find them too!