I have spent the last two nights at the hospital in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) during feeding times for little baby C. She is so cute, and so very tiny. She is doing well, and should be coming home tomorrow. If I was in the market for a new career, I know exactly what I would do-become an NICU nurse. Oh, how I have loved sitting there rocking and feeding this precious baby, with all the other teeny, tiny babies around me. The unit has been full, and it is so fun watching all the parents come in to see their babies. Tonight as I sat there feeding baby C, I looked around and saw the same isolette M was in when she was born 6 weeks premature over 8 years ago. What memories that brought back! I remember my first time being allowed to leave my room and go up to see her, I was weak, and being pushed in a wheelchair, and when I saw her for the first time, all 4 lbs. of her, I was in awe. It was truly the most magical moment of my life. I thanked God for the gift He had given me, and felt so undeserving of such a precious gift.
This baby is a precious gift as well. She is a tiny bundle of cuteness and she feels almost unreal in my arms. Since she is preterm, she is really only semi awake during feeding times and will remain that way over the next month. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself at this point in my life with a house full of FOUR little girls. I am speechless.
I hope to do an update tomorrow after I bring her home from the hospital, so check in for more details then!