God is at work!! I had to work today, and I was upset that I couldn't be home wrapping presents, and spending time with the family. I also knew I needed to pull everything together for the kids at the mission, and find a family to adopt for Christmas, but there was no time!!! I was very busy at work, it was a snowy day, yet most of my patients showed up! Near the end of the day, a little 8 year old boy I work with came in with his mom. I asked them how things were going, and the mom informed me that their apartment was just broken into and they lost everything! The burglars even stole her shoes, blankets and shampoo! She broke down in tears at one point. I know that she had a few toys under the tree for her son, toys that I suggested would be good for him to work on his fine motor skills with, and she couldn't wait for him to open them on Christmas. It was all gone! She was also afraid to live there now. I would be too! So, I assured her that I would find resources to help! I asked my entire department of physical therapists, speech therapists, and Occupational therapists if they wanted to help. So, we should really be able to bless this family!!! I am amazed at how God places situations in front of you when your heart is open. I didn't have to go looking for someone to help, He brought this single mother to me! On my way home from work, I was trying to think of how I was going to pack up everything I want to bring them because we have no large boxes, but when I walked in the house, I found a HUGE cardboard box that was delivered to us today from my brother and his wife full of gifts. We placed the gifts under the tree and filled the box with anything and everything we could find around the house to give away to this family. Miranda spent a good hour filling it up with things I never thought she could part with. She even wrapped up a dollar bill in a paper bag and put a ribbon around it. I will have her help me deliver everything to this family on the 24th.
Blessings to you all the Christmas!!!