In honor of mother's day, I decided I would take this week to write my thoughts on mothering, what it means to me, how God has changed me, and what He is currently doing in my life!
Today is tuesday, and I am in the middle of "mothering" right now, so I expect this first post may be short. The baby just went down for her nap, so I have a few moments, while my 6 yr. old works on her art project.
I didn't come from a home where mothering was something my mother cherished. I wouldn't say I came from a home where nurturing was present at all, in fact. I had a mother, and a father, and a brother. I went to public school, hung out with friends, and had a pretty typical upbringing. I attended church very infrequently, but came to know the Lord at the age of 18, when in a sort of desperate situation, I cried out to God, and He met me right where I was. If there ever was a situation where God could take something bad and make something good out of it, that was it.
Stay tuned...part 2 is coming soon!
Cherry Danish
This handwritten Cherry Danish recipe has been tucked into one of my
cookbooks for many years. I finally decided to make it, and realized it's
pretty we...
7 hours ago
Sounds good!
Michelle. Thank you for visiting my blog today and for commenting. I love being able to find other adoption blogs and connect with others who are traveling or been where we are going. I really appreciate when people are open and vulnerable. I loved this post and the one after it. My family situation growing up was less than ideal and it is part of what drives my passion for my family today. Praise God for his faithfulness. I will add you to the links I visit and be back to visit again. I hope you stop by our site again!
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