I am sitting here thinking about what my answering machine said when I got home tonight from work. It was a call from our local dept. of social services. We are licensed foster parents. We have been for a year, but we have never taken a placement due to our adoption of Lilyann in China. We recently had a visit from our foster-adopt social worker. She was so nice. She said she had taken our name off of all the lists when we got back from China since we needed that time to bond with her. Since we are now ready to take kids for respite care, our name is back on the list. I should have known our next call wouldn't be for respite. Back when were first licensed almost a year ago, we stated we could only do respite, and our first call was for a newborn baby boy, in the hospital, waiting for a placement, and possible adoption. We couldn't do it, as we had just recieved our referral from China, and we were busy getting prepared. We prayed he would find a family soon.
This time, the call was different. It was the same older man that calls with the warm friendly voice, who does not pressure, and is very respectful no matter what your answer is. He is so kind, and I can only imagine the situations he sees everyday. Today the message he left was in regards to a baby under the age of one. An infant. An infant who at this very moment is in a major hospital in a big city. People are only transferred to this hospital if they have significant injuries. This infant child is there due to abuse. This child needs a home, a home to be loved, and nurtured in. A healing home. I honestly cannot comprehend how someone could hurt an infant, or a child of any age for that matter. My heart is sick.
When we were first licensed last year, I remember reading a blog that was written by a foster parent. I remember her saying that doing foster care has changed her so much. She talked about all the babies she had cared for over the years with various injuries and broken bones from abuse, and how that affected her. At that moment I began to realize how very prevalent this is in our society, in our country, in our state, in our city, and every other city in the US. That reality hit home here tonight. It is not just the cases that make the local news. Most aren't publicized. It is not just the boy with shaken baby syndrome at work. It is happening all the time, everywhere. Tonight a baby who is hurt, lost and alone, needs a home.
Cherry Danish
This handwritten Cherry Danish recipe has been tucked into one of my
cookbooks for many years. I finally decided to make it, and realized it's
pretty we...
7 hours ago
How very sad.
I'll be praying for wisdom and peace for you. I would one day like to be foster parenting.
Take care,
Oh my, I'll pray for you and this baby.
This is too sad
It takes very special people to be foster parents.... I am always in awe of the good ones. God bless these precious, precious children. How wonderful the Lord has entrusted you to care for His children.
So????????????????? What's the rest of the story?
I will be praying for you. I know this is tough.
We recently got a call from DSHS in Spokane to take a placement. Ha. I said, "Um... remember? We're in Canada now." Oops.
First of all, I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did.
We are also a homeschooling adoptive family. We have a 19 year old son adopted from Korea. He was 5 1/2 months old when he came home to us and it's unbelieveable that he's already 19!
Your baby girl from China is just precious! It makes me want another one...and my kids are already so spread out! We also have a daughter, by birth, that is 9, so my kids are almost 10 years apart.
My daughter is always saying she wants a sister from China! She saw your daughter's picture on here and just had a fit over how cute she was!
Well have a great upcoming week and stop in a visit my blog again! Let's stay in touch.
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